Standards Check Sheet


Institutional Mission and Objectives

1.1 The primary mission of the institution is to instruct students to such competency levels that they are qualified for initial employment and/or career advancement.
Yes, Dallas Barber & Stylist College primary mission is to instruct students to such competency levels that they are qualified for employment and/or career advancement. See Exhibit
The institution’s mission is:
1.2 clearly and concisely stated in written form,
Yes, the mission is clearly and concisely stated in written form. See Exhibit
1.3 published in hard copy and/or online,
Yes, the Mission appears in the school catalog, website ( and
1.4 publicly available, and
Yes, the Mission is publicly available. See School Catalog
1.5 used consistently in publications.
Yes, the mission statement is used consistently in publications. See School Catalog.
1.6 The institution has an organized and functional institutional advisory committee.
Yes, Dallas Barber & Stylist College has an organized and functional institutional advisory committee. See Exhibit
Multi-Part Criterion (1.7 – 1.11)
The institutional advisory committee meets the following requirements:
1.7 Is composed of no less than three persons, all of whom are external to the institution. (Committees larger than three members must maintain a majority of external members.)
Yes, See Exhibit.
1.8 Has at least three external members who meet these criteria present at each meeting (with at least two members physically present and one virtually present).
Yes, See Exhibit.
1.9 Meets at least once annually, if serving only in an institutional advisory capacity, or twice annually, if serving in an occupational advisory capacity.
Yes, See Exhibit.
1.10 Keeps typed minutes to document its activities, recommendations, and meeting attendance.
Yes, See Exhibit.
1.11 Is used to seek input and provide community involvement in maintaining a relevant mission for the institution.
Yes, See Exhibit.


Postsecondary Educational Programs

A. Program Alignment and Administration

The institution has implemented a systematic process to document that each program
2.1a Aligns with the mission of the institution,
Yes, See Exhibit.
2.2a has clearly stated objectives,
Yes, See catolog.
2.3a has content relative to its objectives and aligned with the needs of the people and industries served by the program,
Yes, See catalog
2.4a is evaluated annually to ensure currency of its objectives and content,
Yes, See Exhibit.
2.5a has varied evaluation methodologies that reflect the established professional and practice-based competencies, and
Yes, See Exhibit.
2.6a Includes coursework that is qualitatively and quantitatively consistent at each campus where it is offered.
Yes, See Exhibit.
The Institution ensures that each program
2.7a Is approved and administered under established institutional policies and procedures and supervised by an administrator who is part of the institutional organization, and
Yes, is supervise by me ..
2.8a Includes on-campus administrators and faculty in planning activities.
Yes, I am a licensed instructor.
2.9a The institution considers the length and the tuition of each program in relation to the documented entry level earning of completers.
Yes, I am licensed barber and make more than $40,000 a year.
Each Associate degree program meets the following requirements: N/A
2.10a The program is designed to lead graduates directly to employment in a specific career
– N/A
2.11a The appropriate applied degree title, such as Associate of Applied Technology, Associate of Applied Science, Associate of Occupational Studies, Associate of Science, or Associate of Occupational Technology, is used and includes the specific career and technical education field (i.e., Associate of Applied Science in Veterinary Technology).
– N/A
2.12a The program has a minimum of 60 semester hours or 90 quarter hours.
– N/A
2.13a The program includes a minimum of 15 semester hours or 23 quarter hours of general education courses that are not applicable to a specific occupation, with a minimum of one course from each of the following areas: humanities, behavioral sciences, natural or applied sciences, and mathematics.
– N/A
2.14a A credit hour is equivalent to a minimum of each of the following: one semester credit for 15 clock hours of lecture, 30 clock hours of laboratory, or 45 clock hours of work-based activities; or one quarter credit for 10 clock hours of lecture, 20 clock hours of laboratory, or 30 clock hours of work-based activities.
– N/A

B. Occupational Advisory Committee Activities

Multi-Part Criterion (2.1 – 2.9)
2.1a Occupational advisory committees are appointed for each program to ensure that desirable, relevant, and current practices of each occupation are being taught.
Yes, See exhibit at the last question
2.1b Each Occupational advisory committee complies with the following requirements:
Yes, See Exhibit.
2.2b Consists of a minimum of three members external to the institution
Yes, See Exhibit.
2.3b Represents expertise in the occupational field(s) for which the program prepares students
Yes, See Exhibit.
2.4b Represents each service area covered by the program at each meeting (all locations)
Yes, See Exhibit.
2.5b Has at least three external members who meet these criteria present at each meeting
Yes, See Exhibit.
2.6b Meets at least twice annually
Yes, See Exhibit.
2.7b Conducts at least one face-to-face meeting with at least two of the three required external members physically present (one external member may be virtually present)
Yes, See Exhibit.
2.8b Ensures that no fewer than three months separate each official committee meeting
Yes, See Exhibit.
2.9b Follows an agenda and maintains typed minutes to document its activities, recommendations, meeting attendance, and demographic information for each member
Yes, See Exhibit.
Multi-Part Criterion (2.10 – 2.22)
2.10b Occupational advisory committees review each educational program annually and make recommendations for the following:
Yes, See Exhibit.
2.11b Admission requirements
Yes, See Exhibit.
2.12b Program content that is consistent with current industry practices and desired student learning outcomes
Yes, See Exhibit.
2.13b Program length
Yes, See Exhibit.
2.14b Program objectives
Yes, See Exhibit.
2.15b Competency tests
Yes, See Exhibit.
2.16b Learning activities
Yes, See Exhibit.
2.17b Instructional materials
Yes, See Exhibit.
2.18b Equipment
Yes, See Exhibit.
2.19b Methods of program evaluation
Yes, See Exhibit.
2.20b Level of skills and/or proficiency required for completion
Yes, See Exhibit.
2.21b Workplace ethics
Yes, See Exhibit.
2.22b Appropriate delivery methods for the subject matter being taught.
Yes, See Exhibit.

C. Instructional Activities

2.1c Academic competencies are integrated into the curriculum or instructional plan for each occupational program.
Yes, academic competencies are integrated into the curriculum or instructional plan for each occupational program.
2.2c Each program provides instruction in the occupational skills essential to success in the occupation, including job knowledge, work habits, and attitudes.
2.3c The sequence of instruction required for program completion (lecture, lab, and work-based activities) is determined by desired student learning outcomes.
The organization of syllabi, lesson plans, competency tests, and other instructional materials is used to:
2.4c Define a sequence for the achievement of objectives,
2.5c Guide the delivery of instruction,
2.6c Direct Learning activities, and
2.7c Indicate benchmarks for student progress that are indicated in the student’s permanent record.
2.8c to develop skill proficiency, sufficient practice is provided with equipment and materials similar to those currently used in the occupation.
2.9c Job-related health, safety, and fire prevention are an integral part of instruction and are incorporated into curricula as is appropriate to the occupation.
2.10c Orientation to technology is provided and technical support is available to students.
Yes, orientation to technology is provided and technical support is available to all students.
2.11c A systematic, objective, and equitable method of evaluating student achievement based on learning objectives and required competencies has been implemented.

D. Coursework Delivered via Distance Education

N/A -Dallas Barber & Stylist College does not currently offer Distance Education courses.
2.1d Distance education courses and programs are identical to those on campus in terms of the quality, rigor, breadth of academic and technical STANDARDS, completion requirements, and credentials awarded.
– N/A
2.2d Faculty teaching distance education courses ensure timeliness of their responses (synchronously or asynchronously) to students’ requests by following institutional requirements on response times of no more than 24 hours within the published operational schedule of the program/course.
– N/A
2.3d The institution has processes in place to determine that the student who registers for a distance education course or program is the same student who participates in and completes the course or program and receives the academic credit (with methods such as secure logins, pass codes, or proctored examinations).
– N/A
2.4d The institution directly verifies the currency and quality of all contracted courseware on an annual basis, is directly responsible for such currency and quality, and maintains curriculum oversight responsibility within all contracts.
– N/A
2.5d Each course/program has in place a Standardize template, course descriptions, learning objectives, course requirements (e.g., STANDARD syllabus, outcomes, grading, resources, etc.), and learning outcomes to facilitate quality assurance and the assessment of student learning.
– N/A
2.6d The institution monitors student progress in distance education activities; such monitoring may include frequency of log-in time, confirmation of student time online, and the percentage of coursework completed.
– N/A

E. Work-Based Activities

Multi-Part Criterion (2.1 – 2.7) -N/A
Written agreements with work-based activity partners, if any,
2.1e are current,
– N/A
2.2e specify expectations for all parties, and
– N/A
2.3e ensure the protection and safety of students.
– N/A
2.4e Each work-based activity has a written instructional plan for students (that includes partners external to or within the institution). [See Section VII. Definitions – Work-Based Activities and Plan.]
– N/A
2.5e The instructional plan for each work-based activity specifies objectives, experiences, competencies, and evaluations that are required.
– N/A
2.6e The instructional plan for each work-based activity designates the on-site individual(s) responsible for guiding and overseeing supervision of students’ learning experiences and written evaluations.
– N/A
2.7e Work-based activities conducted by the institution are coordinated by a designated institutional employee possessing appropriate qualifications.
– N/A


Program Outcomes

3.1 Individual student progress data, including (a) appropriate evaluations of knowledge and skills required for occupations studied and (b) notations of completion of, or withdrawal from, programs are maintained and made a part of his/her record.
3.2 The institution submits accurate program completion data each year to the Commission for comparison with required benchmarks.
3.3 The institution submits verifiable program completion data each year to the Commission for comparison with required benchmarks.
-Yes annual report 2021.see answer #1
3.3 *This Item is to be completed by Visiting Teams during accreditation visits. The data submitted on the most recent COE Annual Report or COE Excel spreadsheet is confirmed to be accurate on a random basis. Completion data for graduate completers has been verified for five students.
3.4 FOR ACCREDITED INSTITUTIONS ONLY: All programs meet the required benchmark for completion OR the institution has taken any actions required by the Commission due to program completion rates failing to meet the required benchmark.
No, all programs at Dallas Barber & Stylist College did not meet the required benchmark for placement.
3.6 The institution submits accurate program placement data each year to the Commission for comparison with required benchmarks.
Yes, Dallas Barber & Stylist College submits accurate and verifiable licensure exam pass rate data each year to the Commission for comparison with required benchmarks.
3.7 The institution submits verifiable program placement data each year to the Commission for comparison with required benchmarks.
Yes, All programs at Dallas Barber & Stylist College meet the required benchmark for placement.
3.8 FOR INITIAL ACCREDITATION ONLY: Most programs meet the required benchmark for placement for the most recent 12-month period possible.
3.9 FOR ACCREDITED INSTITUTIONS ONLY: All programs meet the required benchmark for placement OR the institution has taken any actions required by the Commission due to program placement rates failing to meet the required benchmark.
All programs at Dallas Barber & Stylist College meet the required benchmark for placement.
3.10 If applicable, the institution submits accurate licensure exam pass rate data each year to the Commission for comparison with required benchmarks.
Yes, Dallas Barber & Stylist College submits accurate and verifiable licensure exam pass rate data each year to the Commission for comparison with required benchmarks.
3.11. If applicable, the institution submits verifiable licensure exam pass rate data each year to the Commission for comparison with required benchmarks.
Yes, Dallas Barber & Stylist College submits accurate and verifiable licensure exam pass rate data each year to the Commission for comparison with required benchmarks.
3.12 FOR INITIAL ACCREDITATION ONLY: If applicable, the majority of programs meet the required benchmark for licensure exam pass rates for the most recent 12-month period possible.
3.13 FOR ACCREDITED INSTITUTIONS ONLY: All applicable programs meet the required benchmark for licensure exam pass rate OR the institution has taken any actions required by the Commission due to licensure exam pass rates failing to meet the required benchmark.
Yes, Dallas Barber & Stylist College submits the completion data report with required benchmarks each year to the Commission.
Multi-Part Criterion (3.14 – 3.21)
3.14 The institution has a written plan to ensure that program outcomes follow-up is systematic and continuous.
3.15 The institution’s written plan for program outcomes follow-up includes the following elements: [See Section VII. Definitions –Plan.] Identification of responsibility for coordination of follow-up activities.
3.16 Methods for collection of data on completion, placement, and licensure exam pass rates.
3.17 Information collected from completers and employers of completers that is focused on program effectiveness.
3.18 Methods for surveying completers and employers of completers to assess the level of satisfaction with the education that was received.
3.19 The program outcomes follow-up plan is reviewed annually by the faculty and administration (and revised as necessary).
3.20 Program outcomes follow-up information is used to evaluate and improve the quality of program outcomes.
3.21 Follow-up information is made available at least on an annual basis to instructional personnel and administrative staff.


Strategic Planning

Multi-Part Criterion (4.1 – 4.9)
4.1 The institution has a written strategic plan.
Yes, See Exhibit.
The institution's written strategic plan includes, at a minimum, the following components:
4.2 The mission of the institution
Yes, See Exhibit.
4.3 The vision of the institution
Yes, it is in the plan to have more graduates but covid 19 has been issue..
4.4 Objectives for a minimum period of three years
Yes, due to health concern and covid 19, two schools will be close down by 2023 year. No more expansion, employees have been informed in the meeting,.
4.5 Strategies for achieving the objectives
Yes because lack funds , two more school will be closed down by 2023. Health concern of the owner..
4.6 Current and projected financial resources that provide a basis for initiatives specified in the strategic plan.
Yes, we can not afford expansion of any king. two locations will close down. that's meeting review.
4.7 Strategies for evaluating progress toward achieving the objectives
Yes, we can not afford to open up another school. health concern of the owner after staff meeting, sick
4.8 The faculty, administration, and institutional advisory committee annually review the strategic plan (and revise as necessary)
Yes, we are not expanding , Two schools will be close down, No money and health issue....
4.9 The institution annually evaluates and documents the results of the evaluation of progress toward achieving the objectives defined in the strategic plan.
Yes, the school does the evaluation, this year we have decided to close two schools between 2022 to 2023 year end..


Learning Resources

A. Media Services

Multi-Part Criterion (5.1 – 5.9)
5.1a The institution has a written plan for its media services, which is appropriate for and inclusive of all methods of program delivery.
Yes, the institution has a written plan for its media services, which is appropriate for and inclusive of all methods of program delivery.
The institution's written plan for media services includes the following components:
5.2a The scope and availability of the services
-yes the service is available to students and staff members
5.3a A variety of current and relevant educational materials, such as reference books; periodicals and manuals of a business, professional, technical, and industrial nature; audio-visual materials and equipment; internet access to sites with educational and reference materials appropriate to program offerings; and other materials to support its educational programs.
-we have projectors and youtube videos for the students and staff
5.4a The administrative, supervisory, or instructional staff person responsible for the implementation and coordination of media services
-The teachers are the supervisors at there locations.
5.5a Roles and responsibilities of designated staff member(s)
-The teachers has their functions as their teacher, and they help out on the floor too.
5.6a Orientation for user groups (i.e., faculty, students, and others, if needed)
-students and staff have orientations before enrollment and hire.
5.7a Facilities and technical infrastructure essential for using media materials
-yes they are.
5.8a Annual budgetary support for the services
we budget for the programs and products as need be.-
5.9a Annual evaluation of the effectiveness of media services and utilization of the results to modify and improve media services
we have quarterly meeting to evaluate all programs-
5.10a Media services including instructional supplies, physical resources, technology, and fiscal resources, are available to support the programs offered by the institution.
Yes, Media services including instructional supplies, physical resources, technology, and fiscal resources, are available to support the programs offered by the institution.
5.11a Media services are available to ensure the achievement of desired student learning and program objectives
Yes, media services are available to ensure achievement of desired student learning and program objectives.
5.12a A current inventory of media resources is maintained.
Yes, a current inventory of media resources is maintained
5.13a Provisions made for the repair, maintenance, and replacement of media equipment and supplies are in place.
Yes, provisions made for the repair, maintenance, and replacement of media equipment and supplies are in place.
5.14a The institution provides print and non-print instructional media resources to support students and faculty in meeting program objectives.
-Yes we support the students and staffs
5.15a This criterion applies to ALL campuses: The institution’s learning resources, including media services, technology, facilities, and materials, are comprehensive, current, selected with faculty input, and accessible to the faculty and students.

B. Instructional Equipment

5.1b The institution has an inventory procedure to account for instructional equipment.
Yes, the school has an inventory procedure to account for instructional equipment.

C. Instructional Supplies

5.1c This criterion applies to All campuses: Instructional supplies are available to support the programs offered by the institution.
5.2c The institution has a procedure for purchasing and storing instructional supplies.
Yes, Dallas Barber & Stylist College has a system for purchasing and storing instructional supplies. It is the administrator's duties to make sure the purchasing and storing of the school supplies are done adequately.
5.3c Funds are budgeted to provide supplies at a level that supports quality occupational education.
Yes, Adequate funds are budgeted to provide supplies at a level that assures quality of occupational education.
5.4c The institution has a procedure for emergency purchases of instructional supplies within a reasonable period to support continuous instruction.
Yes, the institution has a system for emergency purchases of instructional supplies within a reasonable period to support continuous instruction.
5.5c This criterion applies to ALL campuses: Instructional supplies meet appropriate and required safety STANDARDs.
Yes, instructional supplies meet appropriate and required safety standards.


Physical Resources

6.1 A plan that addresses the adequacy and improvement of physical facilities and technical infrastructure has been developed, is maintained, and includes, if applicable, distance education infrastructure.
Yes, a plan that addresses the adequacy and improvement of physical facilities and technical infrastructure has been developed, is maintained, and includes, if applicable, distance education infrastructure.
6.2 The technology used by the institution to deliver services and, if applicable, program content to students meets the needs of the students without creating barriers to student support or learning.
Yes, technology is used by the school to deliver services and program content meets the students’ needs without creating barriers to learning. The computer, video projector, monitors, and other technology is all simple to use and easily accessible to students.
6.3 A plan for the ongoing operation and maintenance of physical facilities, technical infrastructure, and, if applicable, distance education infrastructure, has been developed and is in use.
Yes, the Institution has developed a plan for the ongoing operation and maintenance of all physical facilities and technical infrastructure.

Multi-Part Criterion (6.4 – 6.9)

The operation and maintenance plan addresses the following elements:
6.4 Personnel
6.5 Equipment and supplies
6.6 Relevant state law
6.7 Applicable federal codes and procedures
6.8 Availability of the plan to employees and students
6.9 Annual evaluation of the plan (and revised as necessary)
6.10 This criterion applies to ALL campuses: Physical facilities at all locations provide adequate, safe, and clean facilities with appropriate supporting utilities for classrooms, laboratories/shops, offices, restrooms, lounges, meeting rooms, parking, etc.
Yes, Physical facilities at all locations provide adequate, safe, and clean facilities with appropriate supporting utilities for classrooms, laboratories/shops, offices, restrooms, lounges, meeting rooms, parking, etc.
6.11 A written plan for assuring the health and safety of the institution’s employees, students, and guests to maintain readiness is in use and includes procedures for reporting and investigating incidents affecting the health and safety of the institution’s constituents.
Yes, a written plan for assuring the health and safety of the institution’s employees, students, and guests to maintain readiness is in use and includes procedures for reporting and investigating incidents affecting the health and safety of the institution’s constituents.
Multi-Part Criterion (6.12 – 6.14)
The health and safety plan
6.12 has been distributed to employees,
6.13 is evaluated annually with input from employees (and revised as necessary), and
6.14 ensures basic information about the plan is available to students.
6.15 First aid supplies are readily available.
Yes, Dallas Barber & Stylist College has implemented a Health and Safety Plan which includes a system for reporting and investigating accidents. The plan is distributed to employees and is available to students. The plan is regularly evaluated and/or updated by the Institutional Advisory Committee and Administration with input from students and employees.
16. A plan for the protection of the institution’s technical infrastructure is in use and:
Multi-Part Criterion (6.17 – 6.22)
17. ensures the privacy, safety, and security of data contained within institutional networks.
18. ensures computer system and network reliability whether provided directly by the institution or through contractual arrangements.
19. ensures emergency backups for all technical services whether provided directly by the institution or through contractual arrangements.
20. is evaluated annually (and revised as necessary); and
21. ensures basic information about the plan is available to the administration, faculty, and staff.
22. This criterion applies to ALL campuses: Preserving and protecting student coursework, testing, and records are provided using storage devices, duplicate physical or digital records, security files, or other measures that ensure both the preservation and security of the records from fire, theft, vandalism, and other adverse actions.
Yes, see Exhibit


Financial Resources

7.1 A qualified financial officer or department oversees the financial and business operations of the institution.
Yes, a qualified financial officer oversees the financial and business operations of the institution.
7.2 Financial records are maintained so that the institution’s fiscal position can be analyzed in a timely manner.
Yes, the school financial records are maintained so that the institutions fiscal position can be analyzed in a timely manner.
7.3 The institution demonstrates responsible financial management with funds sufficient to maintain quality educational programs and to complete the education of students enrolled.
Yes, the school demonstrates responsible financial management with funds sufficient to maintain quality educational programs and to complete the education of students enrolled.
7.4 The institution uses adequate auditing and budgetary controls and procedures consistent with local, state, and federal requirements.
Yes, Dallas Barber & Stylist College uses adequate auditing and budgetary controls and procedures consistent with local, state, and federal requirement.
7.5 The institution exercises proper management, financial controls, and business practices.
Yes, the school exercise proper management, financial controls, and business practices.
7.6 Persons handling institutional funds or revenues from any source are bonded or covered under an employee-dishonesty insurance policy.
Yes, persons handling institutional funds or revenues from any source are bonded or covered under an employee-dishonesty insurance policy.
7.7 Financial aid programs utilizing public and/or private funds are capably administered and accurately documented.
Yes, Dallas Barber & Stylist College uses financial aid programs utilizing public and/or private funds are capably administered and accurately documented.
7.8. Qualified personnel are responsible for proper financial record-keeping, reporting, and auditing.
Yes, Financial records are checked regularly by the school accountant and by the school director, who is the Chief Administrative Officer of the institution. The accountant is a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) and has had a great deal of experience in the auditing process.
7.9 The institution has reported all contingent liabilities in a timely manner.
No, Dallas Barber & Stylist College did not have any contingent liabilities to report.
7.10 The institution has submitted notices and copies of all lawsuits filed against the institution within five (5) days of being served.
Dallas Barber & Stylist College has not submitted notice of lawsuit or lawsuits filed against the institution.
7.11 The institution maintains compliance with the Higher Education Reauthorization Act Title IV eligibility and certification requirements, including compliance with default management and audit benchmarks.
Yes, the institution maintains compliance with the Higher Education Reauthorization Act Title IV eligibility and certification requirements, including compliance with default management and audit benchmarks.
7.12 The institution utilizes a written, comprehensive student loan repayment program addressing student loan information, counseling, monitoring, and cooperation with available lenders.
Yes, the school utilizes a written, comprehensive student loan repayment program which address the student loan counseling process, monitoring and all student loan information and cooperation with the available lenders.
7.13 The institution informs students of their ethical responsibilities regarding financial assistance.
Yes, the school informs students of their ethical responsibilities regarding financial assistance.
7.14 Special Financial Stability Requirements for Non-Public Institutions
Multi-Part Criterion (7.15 – 7.17)
Special Financial Stability Requirements for Non-Public Institutions
7.15 To document financial stability, the institution submits financial information required by the Council as described in the Handbook of Accreditation. [See Section VII. Definitions – Audited Financial Statement.] For initial accreditation, non-public institutions must submit audited financial statements for the two most recent fiscal years that include composite score worksheets prepared by an independent CPA. The first of those two years may be the audited financial statement submitted with the institution’s candidacy application and the second audited financial statement must represent activity while the institution is in candidate status. Restated/revised audited financial statements will not be accepted without third-party certification.
7.16 The institution demonstrates financial stability through submission of the most recent audited financial statement that reflects 16. a minimum, unrounded composite score of 1.5 for the two most recent fiscal years as disclosed on a composite score worksheet included in the audit report; and
7.17 No condition or event which could potentially affect the institution’s ability to continue operation, including but not limited to, contingent liabilities, on-going litigation, or the financial stability of a parent corporation.
Yes, Dallas Barber & Stylist College does participate in the financial aid program. The funds are capably administered and accurately documented. Dallas Barber & Stylist College contracted a qualified third-party servicer that draws down funds from G5 (Federal account) then the school representative will post it to the student ledger for accurate document.
Multi-Part Criterion (7.18 – 7.22)
7.18 Refund Policy
The institution has a fair and equitable refund policy for the refund of tuition, fees, and other institutional charges in the event the institution cancels a class or if a student does not enter or does not complete the period of enrollment for which they have been charged.
The following elements are present and indicative of a fair and equitable refund policy:
7.19 The institution’s refund policy is included in official publications and uniformly administered.
7.20 Refunds, when due, are made without requiring a request from the student.
7.21 Refunds, when due, are made within 45 days (1) of the last day of attendance if written notification has been provided to the institution by the student, or (2) from the date the institution terminates the student or determines withdrawal by the student.
7.22 Retention of tuition and fees collected in advance for a student who does not commence class does not exceed $100.
Yes, the school has a fair and equitable refund policy for the refund of tuition and fees. In the event the school cancels a class or if a student does not complete the program for which the student has been charged the following are elements of our refund policies.
7.23 *This Item is to be completed by Visiting Teams during accreditation visits. Number of student files reviewed (minimum of 25)
7.24 *Complete the Refund Policy Worksheet before responding to this item. The institution complies with the refund policies adopted by the Commission unless a non-public institution’s licensing agency or a public institution’s governing board mandates the use of a different policy.


Human Resources

A. General

8.1a Duties and responsibilities of each position are specified in written job descriptions made available to administrators, faculty, and staff of the institution.
Yes, the duties and responsibilities for each position in the school along with appropriate job description(s) are readily available.
8.2a The institution has published and implemented procedures for handling complaints/grievances from faculty and staff that are consistent with the policies of the institution’s governing board including complaints/grievances filed against the institution’s chief administrator, if any.
Yes, the institution has appropriate and published procedures for handling complaints/grievances for faculty and staff consistent with the policies of the institutions governing board.
8.3a Procedures are in place for the continuous evaluation of the performance and effectiveness of full and part-time employees, with at least an annual written review and evaluation.
Yes, the employees of Dallas Barber & Stylist College are reviewed periodically to ensure that the level of competence and professionalism remains above industry STANDARD, and they receive a written review and evaluation annually.
8.4a Orientation procedures for all employees are maintained and followed equitably.
Yes, orientation procedures for all employees are maintained and followed equitably.

B. Faculty:

8.1b This criterion applies to ALL campuses: The institution has a sufficient number of faculty members to fulfill its mission and operate its programs.
Yes, the school has a sufficient number of faculty members to fulfill its mission and operate its programs.
Each faculty member possesses
8.2b at least a high school diploma (or equivalent),
Yes, See Exhibit.
8.3b expertise in the area of responsibility that is actively maintained,
8.4b a record of performance that reflects work-based STANDARDs as interpreted by the institution, and
8.5b Additional requirements established for faculty members by the institution’s governing board and/or state regulatory agencies.
Additional requirements for faculty members include the appropriate license and professional experience.
8.6b Faculty members who teach general education courses in associate degree programs hold a minimum of a bachelor’s degree with 15 semester hours or 23 quarter hours in the teaching discipline with a grade of at least a 'C' in these courses.
8.7b Faculty members who teach technical courses in associate degree programs have a minimum of an associate degree in an area that is related to the technical courses they teach. (In exceptional cases, evidence of documented work experience and skills in the technical field may be considered instead of formal academic requirements.)
8.8b For all coursework delivered via distance education: Faculty delivering instruction in a distance education format are full-time, part-time, or adjunct employees of the institution.
8.9b For all coursework delivered via distance education: The institution provides training for faculty who use technology in distance education courses and programs.
8.10b The institution plans, provides, supports, and annually documents professional growth opportunities for and participation by all faculty members.
Yes, Dallas Barber & Stylist College plans, provides, supports, and annually documents professional growth opportunities for and participation by all faculty members.
8.11b Each full-time and part-time faculty member responsible for delivering instruction on a regular and ongoing basis in a technical field maintains external contact with employers in the technical field in addition to any occupational advisory committee involvement.
Yes, each full-time and part-time faculty member is responsible for delivering instruction on a regular and ongoing basis in a technical field maintains external contact with employers in the filed in addition to any occupational advisory committee involvement.

C. Administrative and Supervisory Personnel:

8.1c This criterion applies to ALL campuses: The institution has a sufficient number of administrative and supervisory personnel to fulfill its mission and to oversee the operation of its programs and services.
Yes, the institution has a sufficient number of administrative and supervisory personnel to fulfill its mission and to oversee the operation of the programs and services.
8.2c Administrative and supervisory personnel possess postsecondary education credentials and/or experience and demonstrated competencies appropriate to their areas of responsibility.
Yes, administrative, and supervisory personnel possess postsecondary education credentials and/or experience in their areas of responsibility.

D. Instructional Support Staff:

8.1d This criterion applies to ALL campuses: The institution has enough instructional support staff members to fulfill its mission and deliver its programs.
Yes, the school has enough instructional support staff members to fulfill its mission and deliver its programs.
8.2d Personnel are employed to maintain student and financial records; to assist in producing instructional materials; and to prepare correspondence, reports, and other documents as needed.
Yes, the personnel at Dallas Barber & Stylist College are employed under the supervision of the Director to maintain student and financial records; to assist in producing instructional materials, and to prepare correspondence, reports, and other documents as needed.
8.3d Instructional support staff possess education credentials and/or experience and demonstrated competencies appropriate to their areas of responsibility.
Yes, Dallas Barber & Stylist College instructional support staff possess education credentials and meet educational requirements and have experience, demonstrated competencies to their areas of responsibility.

E. Non-Instructional Support Services:

8.1e This criterion applies to ALL campuses: Custodial services are available to provide routine care and maintenance of facilities and grounds for the institution.
Yes, custodial services are available to provide routine care and maintenance of facilities and grounds for the institution.
8.2e This criterion applies to ALL campuses: Preventative maintenance services ensure continued operation of the facilities.
Yes, preventative maintenance services ensure continued operation of the facilities.


Organizational Structure

9.1 The institution has a properly constituted governing body or board that has the legal authority and responsibility for the institution’s operation and control.
Yes, the authority, responsibilities, and relationships among the governing board, administration, faculty, and staff are clearly described in the institutions table of organizational structure which displays the working order of the institution.
9.2 If applicable, the non-public institution has in custody the currently valid original document(s), typically a license, required to operate as an occupational education institution within the state where it is located.
Yes, See Exhibit.
9.3 The chief administrator is responsible for the institution’s operations and has the authority to implement the governing body’s policies.
Yes, the chief administrator is responsible for the school’s operations and has the authority to implement the governing body’s policies.
9.4 The chief administrator is the official of record for all purposes of the Commission, is a full-time staff member of the institution, has his/her office on the main campus, and is the Commission’s point of contact for all locations of the institution.
Yes, the Chief Administrative Officer is the official of record for all administrative operations including purposes of the Commission. The Chief Administrative Officer is the COE Liaison and works full time at Dallas Barber & Stylist College sole campus.
9.5 An organizational chart is available to show the functional relationships among the personnel of the institution.
Yes, See Exhibit.
9.6 The organizational structure promotes the effective operation of educational programs and institutional services for students.
Yes, the organizational structure promotes the effective operation of educational programs and institutional services for students.


Student Service and Activities

10.1 This criterion applies to ALL campuses: The institution provides academic advisement services to assist students in planning for the occupational education programs they seek to pursue.
The Barber program has support staff to assist students in the planning for the occupational education program being sought. Before, during and after the attendance of an orientation, this support staff assists with the answering of questions and advisement into the program.
10.2 Tests or other means of assessing the achievement and aptitudes of students for various occupations are appropriate and are used to provide personalized counseling and program admissions services to students.
Yes, See Exhibit.
10.3 If the institution has processed Title IV loans or is currently processing Title IV loans, it has a default management plan that meets the requirements of the Commission for as long as required by the U.S. Department of Education.
Dallas Barber & Stylist College has a default management plan that meets the requirements of the Commission for as long as required by the U.S. Department of Education.
10.4 This criterion applies to ALL campuses: There is a student orientation program to acquaint new students with policies, functions, and personnel of the institution.
Yes, there is a student orientation program to acquaint new students with policies, functions, and personnel of the school.
Multi-Part Criterion (10.5 - 10.8)
10.5 The institution has a written plan for addressing retention of students.
The institution's student retention plan
10.6 includes input from faculty and students,
10.7 is evaluated on an annual basis (and revised as necessary), and
10.8 addresses how results are shared with faculty and staff.
Written procedures for access to student records have been established to protect their confidentiality, limiting access to authorized personnel only. Different persons maintain student
10.9 The institution has published and implemented grievance policies for handling complaints from students.
Yes, Dallas Barber & Stylist College provides and has implemented a grievance policy for handling complaints from students, which can be found in the school catalog and is also handed to the students during orientation.
10.10 The institution includes the Commission’s mailing address, telephone number, and website address within the grievance policy in case the grievance cannot be resolved at the institutional level.
This policy allows all students to work directly with the school director initially and, if the matter cannot be resolved, by the director of operations or if the complaint cannot be resolved at the school level, the students are informed of their right to contact the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulations or The Council on Occupational Education whose addresses and phone numbers are also provided to the students. Record of Student grievances are maintained in student files
10.11 Institutional records reflect that program complaints and grievances receive due process and include evidence of resolution.
10.12 The institution maintains records on student complaints that are filed in accordance with the institution's grievance policy to ensure acceptable quality in the educational programs offered by the institution.
10.13 This criterion applies to ALL campuses: A designated staff member is responsible for maintaining official files and records of students.
Yes, Dallas Barber & Stylist College has a designated clerical staff member and or program teachers responsible for maintaining official files and records of students.
10.14 Written procedures are established for access to student coursework, testing, and records to ensure confidentiality, limiting access to authorized personnel only.
Yes, Dallas Barber & Stylist College has a written procedure for access to student coursework, testing, and records. The school does maintain confidentiality of records by adhering to the guidelines established by FERPA.
10.15 Student records, including enrollment, financial, academic, and current educational progress, are available at the institution.
All periods of enrollment, financial, academic, and current educational progress records are maintained by the individual program support staff and in the student information system. These records include the student's official transcript, enrollment agreement, admissions test scores, financial records including financial aid records, and job placement records.
10.16 The institution, upon request by students, provides transcripts or procedures for obtaining transcripts containing, at a minimum, the following information: the program of study, courses or units of study completed with corresponding grades, and period of enrollment.
Dallas Barber & Stylist College upon request by the student provides transcripts that contain the student personal data, program of study, grades, dates of enrollment and date of graduation.
*This item is to be completed by Visiting Teams during accreditation visits.
Number of student files reviewed (minimum of 25)
10.17 Policies and procedures used for admission to programs must demonstrate relevance to students' abilities to complete the educational programs offered regardless of the method of delivery. To achieve this objective, candidate and accredited institutions must document compliance with the following requirements related to student admissions:

Admissions policies and procedures are clearly stated, consistently applied, non-discriminatory, published, and consistently communicated to students.
Yes, we have it clearly stated in our school catalog online, hard copy, and on a flyer. Yes, See Exhibit.
10.18 Admission requirements offer reasonable expectations for successful completion of the occupational programs offered by the institution regardless of the method of delivery.
Yes, our admission requirements offer reasonable expectations for successful completion. We have students who pass the State Board test and receive their license.
10.19 If applicable: Institutions that admit students by exception to STANDARD admission policies and procedures:

Multi-Part Criterion (a-e)
a. have written admissions policies and procedures for these exceptions,
b. apply them uniformly,
c. provide documented evidence on how they are used,
d. maintain records on student progress, and
e. evaluate the effectiveness of the procedures used in admitting students by exception on an annual basis
Yes, we have students who pass the Ability to Benefit test, with a minimum score of 70
10.20 If applicable: For students admitted to a Vocational English-As-A-Second Language program, the institution utilizes written admission procedures that comply with Policies established by the Commission.
No, Dallas Barber & Stylist College does not offer Vocational English-As-A-Second Language program.
10.21 If applicable: Students admitted into associate degree programs have Documentation of a high school diploma or its equivalent.
No, Dallas Barber & Stylist College does not off associate degree programs.
10.22 This criterion applies to ALL campuses: The institution is responsible for any reasonable accommodation of students who are identified to have special needs.
Dallas Barber & Stylist College under its admissions policy does not discriminate against people with physical disabilities. The institution complies with the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and will work with any handicapped applicant to ensure that needed or special services are provided for easy accessibility and mobility.
10.23 This criterion applies to ALL campuses: The institution provides placement services for all program completers.
Yes, the school provides placement services for all programs.
Multi-Part Criterion (10.24 – 10.31)
10.24 The institution demonstrates that it is following a written plan for placement services that includes the following elements:
10.25 Identification of responsibilities for coordination of placement services,
10.26 A communications network that exists between the person responsible for placement coordination, the staff, the faculty, and various businesses and industries of the service area,
10.27 A list of employers and employment opportunities,
10.28 Counseling of students,
10.29 Maintenance of placement records for completers as a means of measuring the success of the institution in achieving its mission,
10.30 Evaluation on an annual basis (and revised as necessary),
10.31 A description of how evaluation results are shared with faculty and staff
Yes, The Director of Admissions is the person ultimately responsible for counseling students. Students are advised to bring any personal issues, concerning them, any time they feel advice is needed. The Director coordinates these services, which are performed in his office, if in any case the students cannot be helped; the student is referred to the appropriate agency. A record is kept on all counseling. The Director of Operations performs counseling to a limited degree because he does not hold any professional credentials in counseling but has the expertise in the field due to personal experiences encountered.
Multi-Part Criterion (10.32 – 10.36)
10.32 The institution has a written plan for determining the effectiveness of student's services, and ensures that the plan
10.33 identifies responsibilities for coordination of student services,
10.34 provides for the counseling of students,
10.35 is evaluated on an annual basis, and
10.36 addresses how evaluation results are shared with faculty and staff.
Yes, The institution has a written plan for determining the effectiveness of student personnel services, for documenting an annual evaluation of these services, and for disseminating the results to the staff so that pertinent information can be used to improve the student personnel services.